Monday, March 19, 2012

time for technology...

I'm realizing that finding more time to sit in front of a screen, particularly as the weather gets warmer and warmer, is difficult.  And without the time, getting more familiar with where to click for what, what to type in where, requires a bit of re-learning each session.  So I'm still slogging through my various requirements, but finding some helpful bits along the way.  For example, the out-right stealing of Megan's course evaluation at the end of last tri was really great!  I already had one I've been using forever (and if you don't do course evaluations you really should!  I get fantastic info for how to change stuff up the next time around, and you always get a few nice compliments along the way.  What a nice end of the tri!) but adding Megan's made the evaluation seem a bit more "scientific".  Just plain asking kids "what worked for you" just works!  They are honest, and that kind of feedback is great.  So I'll find time for more blogging, form writing, document creating, I suppose.  In the meantime, my own 12 year old has been banned from his electronics, and I'll admit a certain luddite pleasure in seeing him re-discover more time for bike-riding, reading, drawing, playing with siblings - it's great!